Entity Linking & Disambiguation using REL

Entity Linking & Disambiguation using REL

Entity extraction, also known as Named Entity Recognition(NER), is an information extraction process that extracts entities from unstructured text and then classifies them into predefined categories such as people, organizations, places, products, date, time, money,...
Incremental/Online/Continuous Model Training using Creme

Incremental/Online/Continuous Model Training using Creme

Have you noticed the trained ML model performance degrades over time? Why will the model performance degrade? Let’s say we have a model which takes the person’s data as an input and detects the face. Now with the Covid situation, almost 90% of people wear...
Lazy Predict – Find the best suitable ML model

Lazy Predict – Find the best suitable ML model

As in the earlier blog “text classification using machine learning”, we saw a few drawbacks on how difficult it is to select the best ML models and time-consuming for tuning different model parameters to achieve better accuracy.  To overcome this problem we will...
Text Classification with Keras and GloVe Word Embeddings

Text Classification with Keras and GloVe Word Embeddings

Deep Learning(DL) is the subset of Machine Learning. It is a method of statistical learning that extracts features or attributes from raw data. DL uses a network of algorithms called artificial neural networks which imitates the function of the human neural networks...
Text Similarity using fastText Word Embeddings in Python

Text Similarity using fastText Word Embeddings in Python

Text Similarity is one of the essential techniques of NLP which is used to find similarities between two chunks of text. In order to perform text similarity, word embedding techniques are used to convert chunks of text to certain dimension vectors. We also perform...