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Better Word Embeddings Using GloVe

Better Word Embeddings Using GloVe

We talked about word embeddings a bit in our last article, using word2vec. Word embeddings are one of the most powerful tools available to NLP developers today, and most NLP tasks will require some kind of word embedding in one of the levels. Thus, it is important to...

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Feature Extraction in Natural Language Processing

Feature Extraction in Natural Language Processing

In simple terms, Feature Extraction is transforming textual data into numerical data. In Natural Language Processing, Feature Extraction is a very trivial method to be followed to better understand the context. After cleaning and normalizing textual data, we need to...

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Abstractive Summarization Using Google’s T5

Abstractive Summarization Using Google’s T5

In this article, we will discuss abstractive summarization using T5, and how it is different from BERT-based models. T5 (Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer) is a transformer model that is trained in an end-to-end manner with text as input and modified text as output,...

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Abstractive Summarization Using Pegasus

Abstractive Summarization Using Pegasus

In the last article, we have seen how to perform extractive summarization of some text, which selects important sentences and gives them out by ranking them, without changing any text. While they are suitable for some cases, they do not achieve the sophistication of...

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Registering the API as service in KONG

Registering the API as service in KONG

In the previous post, we have discussed about the API Gateway uses and detailed Kong API Gateway Installation process. We will proceed to register our API to KONG service and apply Kong plugins like Key Authentication and Rate-limiting on that API. Lets break down the...

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