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Entity Linking & Disambiguation using REL

Entity Linking & Disambiguation using REL

Entity extraction, also known as Named Entity Recognition(NER), is an information extraction process that extracts entities from unstructured text and then classifies them into predefined categories such as people, organizations, places, products, date, time, money,...

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Lazy Predict – Find the best suitable ML model

Lazy Predict – Find the best suitable ML model

As in the earlier blog “text classification using machine learning”, we saw a few drawbacks on how difficult it is to select the best ML models and time-consuming for tuning different model parameters to achieve better accuracy.  To overcome this problem we will...

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Data Cleaning using Regular Expression

Data Cleaning using Regular Expression

Data cleaning is the process of fixing or removing incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset. The data format is not always tabular. As we are entering the era of big data, the data comes in an extensively diverse...

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Build a Custom NER model using spaCy 3.0

Build a Custom NER model using spaCy 3.0

SpaCy is an open-source python library used for Natural Language Processing(NLP). Unlike NLTK, which is widely used in research, spaCy focuses on production usage. Industrial-strength NLP spaCy is a library for advanced NLP in Python and Cython. As of now, this is the...

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Stemming Vs. Lemmatization with Python NLTK

Stemming Vs. Lemmatization with Python NLTK

Stemming and Lemmatization are text/word normalization techniques widely used in text pre-processing. They basically reduce the words to their root form. Here is an example: Let's say you have to train the data for classification and you are choosing any vectorizer to...

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Text Classification using Machine Learning

Text Classification using Machine Learning

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence are the popular buzzwords in present trends. Artificial Intelligence(AI) is the branch of computer science which deals with developing intelligence artificially to the machines which are able to think, act and...

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